Dear Readers,
I deeply apologize to you all for not writing for such a long time. Inspiration avoided me until today when I finally found the words I needed to write a post that would be worth reading.
This post is about my trip down to Lobby Day at my states capital building, but more specifically, about the night before the big day. The group I was with included myself, one straight girl, one gay male, and two homosexual couples, one couple being female and the other male. We all went out to dinner the night before and I noticed something on that walk to the nice place to eat that we went to.
The couples were holding hands as they walked through the streets. I was walking behind them, due to the fact that I walk rather slowly, and I watched how they interacted with each other, and others around them. It occurred to me that before this trip I felt a little uncertain about being around a homosexual couple, but after I saw them walking and laughing together, I concluded that this uncertainty was unfounded.
I watched them walk through the street and I began to think more about the discrimination that the LGBTQAAETC community faces and more about people who are treated badly just because of their orientation. I watched them walk and I couldn't help but be confused. Why do people hate and are disgusted by people who deserve just as much happiness as the rest of the world? Seeing those guys and girls hold hands seemed so... natural. It now seems... stupid... that people would make such a big deal out of another person's sexual orientation.
I wonder now how it is that people seem to reject and go out of their way to oppress others because of a difference that shouldn't be much. Who people like, and why they like them, and what makes people happy should be what it is and it should be left alone by other people. If they do not have anything nice to say or do to another person then they should keep their mouth shut and accept people, or if they refuse to accept it then they should keep it to themselves and think whatever they want to think but keep it in their heads.
Now this post seems to have almost no end, so I should cut it here by saying that, watching those couples walk together, did not seem like there was anything wrong and I got confused as to the reason why people have so much trouble with it. It just seemed natural to me.
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