
Warning: The following blog entries may contain foul language, asexuality, violent content, strange ways of thinking, and other kinds a strange stuff. If you have troubles with any of the above or anything you read then I would strongly advise you leave. If you have any complaints or problems feel free to make your own blog. If you read on and still have problems or just don't like what you are reading get over yourself.
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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lobby Day: Why I feel Mixed when it comes to politics.

Dear Readers,
Tonight's post is not necissarly about asexuality, as sad as that is, but it has some things to do with it.

(Warning: Some names are not mentioned to protect the guilty and innocent.)

I have had the delightful pleasure of traveling a vast expanse of land, to make it to the state capital building, in order to aid the LGBT community in lobbying for equal rights. It was amazing, fun, and a very eye opening experience. During the wonderful time I spent in that area I met some interesting people, as well as spoke to a couple of government cronies... I mean representatives of the people, and speaking with them.

We also got to have a rally out on the lawn of the state capital, where the Governor actually came out and supported us. I almost caught hypothermia due to it being so shockingly cold and I, myself, being under-dressed. It was thanks to Patrick, (from My Super Gay Blog link in the side bar check it out!), who shared his coat  with me, that prevented me from freezing to death out there. It was amazing to see so many people gathered together who all want the same thing, it touched my heart. There was singing and speeches and talking and people holding signs, everything was so different than it is in the northern part of the state.

After the rally is when we got to speak to two very different representatives from Minnesota.

The first of the representatives, was a woman whose name sounds like a venerial disease. She was very rude, with an equally rude secretary who more then likely believed us all to be liars, seeing as she insisted on asking all of us individually where we were from. (I was tempted to say mars or some other planet.) I think she was just cross checking our story, making sure we all have it straight. Almost like we were criminals. Though if you think about how members of the LGBT community are treated some would say it is a crime to be who we are. (I consider myself a part of the LGBT community in a way. I do support the equal rights of everyone.)

Which brings me to the meeting with the woman herself. She was rude. We were not allowed in her office, we had to stand outside of the door and speak with her standing up. She sounded ignorant. She claimed to never have heard about the discrimination that LGBT members face from someone other than a LGBT member. Nor has she seen the discrimination for herself. This leads me to think that the reason that she hasn't seen or heard it is because she chooses not to. She knows that it exists but in her little bubble and her cheap efforts to make this world into something that she sees as perfect, she will not acknowledge the pure truth. I at first felt frustrated, as well as kind of shocked, that there is someone whose mind is so shut tight to her own ideals, that she has turned into an ignorant bitch. Though now all I feel is pity for her and her shallow ways.

After that rather sad meeting we got to meet with another representative. He was, for lack of better terms, AWESOME! He was all for LGBT rights and equality. The woman was so extreme against and this guy was so extremely for us. They were like two sides of a coin. the entire group got to take a picture with him and we are gonna put it in the paper. It makes me feel better that thought there are ignorant pricks, there are also people who are so greatly amazing in the ways they go about things.

It is my hope that people who are open-minded lead us in this time, so that everyone can go out and be what they are, no matter who they are, and be accepted. Though there will always be people who hate those who are different, there are those out there that love everyone. That right there just shows how amazing and unique everyone really is, and that right there gives me great hope for the future.


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